Disgust with Nevada’s wildlife killing contests, which attract hunters from nearby states where the practice is illegal, is not drawn along the geographic lines that divide the state’s north and south, as the Reno City Council proved Wednesday when it voted six to one in favor of a resolution to stop the competitions.

“This is an animal cruelty issue and I find it heinous,” said Reno Mayor Hillary Schieve. “I want us to be a city where people understand we will not tolerate cruelty to animals.”

“It’s a statement of principles,” said Councilwoman Naomi Duerr, who spearheaded the resolution.

The controversial events, in which bodies of dead coyotes are stacked like cord wood, award prizes for the most animals killed. Earlier this year, Clark County Commissioners passed a resolution condemning the contests and calling on the Wildlife Commission to outlaw them.

Despite several meetings and hours of public comment, the commission has failed to take action.