When evaluating the worth of government bodies such as the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commissioners (NVBWC) and the 17 county advisory boards set up to manage wildlife, the rational mind can only conclude they deserve to die a quick, bureaucratic death. During their underwhelming August meetings, they again clearly demonstrated that they cannot be reformed into something constructive. Their foundations are rife with backwardness and abject bias against wildlife’s best interests, a statutory obligation under NRS 501.100(2). In short, they are ineffective and pointless.

Every one of these boards overwhelmingly consists of members who have zero biological training and demonstrate an unbridled favoritism toward wildlife killers’ desires in every decision they make. That is the case even though fewer than five percent of Nevadans buy wildlife killing licenses. The members generally have no training in any other science discipline, either, something that would help buttress their decisions or help when situations call for applying the scientific method’s rigor and discipline. Subjectivity and emotions invariably drive the decisions toward wildlife killer convenience, opportunity and success.